The Quarterworlds of Fantasia se trata del primer disco conceptual del proyecto que involucra a los guitarristas Dean Clea y Emir Hot, esta maqueta esta conformada en cuatro partes que son: The First Realm: The Golden Fields of Aradia (songs 1-6), The Second Realm: The Realm of Crimson Skies (songs 7-12), The Third Realm: The Aquatorium of Dreamland (songs 13-18) y The Fourth Realms: The Underground Divine (songs 19-25).Este disco salio a la venta en el 2008 bajo el sello One Records.
Banda: Dean Clea & Amir Hot
Disco: The Quarterworlds of Fantasia
Año: 2008
Pais: Croacia
Genero: Progressive Power Metal
Formacion:Emir Hot - Guitar (Neon Knights, Southern Storm)
Dean Clea Brkic - Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Mandolins, Narrations (Osmi Putnik, Witchcraft (Hrv), Pandora (Hrv))
Damien Thorn - Drums
Tracklist:01. The Beginning...
02. Welcome to the World Beyond (instrumental)
03. The Palace of Remembrance
04. At the Place Where Angels Dare to Live (instrumental)
05. Garden of Forevermore
06. The Fruits of the Life Eternal (instrumental)
07. From Oblivion and Into the Blue
08. Under Open Skies (instrumental)
09. Sentinels of Perfect Harmony
10. The Game of Sunlight and Moonlight (instrumental)
11. And the Spirit Carries On
12. House of Stargods (instrumental)
13. Isle of Wonder
14. Sea of Tranquility (instrumental)
15. Eldritch and The Song
16. The Transcendence River (instrumental)
17. Whisper of the Waves
18. Lake of the Zillion Smilies (instrumental)
19. Quest for Eternity
20. Fountain of Youth (instrumental)
21. Where Future and Past Glaze Together
22. The Gallery of Illusions (instrumental)
23. The Cradle of the Elves' Nation
24. Waterfalls of Fantasia (instrumental)
25. Follow Your Heart or ...And the Story Ends